We now have some QMOPS meeting dates for your calendar.
- Saturday 19th May 2012 - 9:30 for 10am start at Quantum Kit Cars. This will be a session of wet and dry work on the front of Q008, to prepare it for spraying in 2-pack paint and moulding a new front end for Q003. Please bring overalls, sanding blocks and face masks. Lunch available in on site cafe.
- Saturday 7th July 2012 - 9:30 for 10am start at Steve Kodz's house, in West Surrey. Construct/modify a trolley to allow Q017 to be moved as a bare body shell and strip all metal work from Q017 shell in preparation for rust protection treatment. Contact Steve for details. This meeting has been cancelled.
- Thursday 30th - Sunday 2nd September (tbc) - QMOPS and Bournemouth Air Show. This long weekend will allow us the opportunity to box up all the metal parts for Q003 in preparation for rust protection treatment.
- October/November 2012 - Reloaction of Q003 to Quantum Kit Cars. Exact date/time to be arranged.
If you can donate your time for any of these dates please contact