At last years AGM there was a motion to allow an increase to the membership fees by two or five pounds. There was a vote and this was passed to increase by five pounds, so single membership would increase to £25 and family to £30 per year.
The committee have discussed this at the last 2 meetings and it has been agreed that the cost should increase. This decision was made based on the current account status, and the discussions at the AGM. The club has been through some tough financial times but we are coming out of the other end of this after some tight controls. The last time the membership cost changed was back in 2011 so we are keeping cost controlled and the club is doing well. Hopefully everyone understands this and can keep enjoying the club. Please all be assured the membership money is not used for any of the QMOPs project work. Membership funds pay for magazines, Stoneleigh show and club administration. QMOPs funding only comes from insurance commission and donations. Hope to see many of at Stoneleigh this year. You will be receiving renewal reminders from the membership secretary (Jan) soon.
For new members details about joining the Quantum Owners Club are available here.
Paul Fennings - QOC Chairman